Pianos Rebuilt or Remanufactured by Shull Piano
This page includes photos of many of the interesting pianos we have restored.
We have rebuilt many instruments, including the Steinway “D” at the Redlands Bowl in 2004, and a Steinway “0” in 1989 for the piano teaching studio at La Sierra University. The Weber recently completed was given a new soundboard which copied the vintage design of the old board, unlike most re-manufacturing practice. This resulted in a more faithful reproduction of the sound of this piano. See also under Retail Pianos - Restored Pianos for additional pianos we’ve rebuilt.
1880 Weber 6’4” completed in 2010 New original-style soundboard (copying antique design), Stanwood PTD action
1930 Steinway M (XR) completed 2009, new soundboard (shown), Stanwood PTD action
Cable Nelson 5’6” completed 2008, new soundboard, Stanwood PTD action
Steinway “B” completed 2007, new soundboard
Ibach 6’ 1911, completed 2005
Stieff 5’4”, completed 2005
Weber 6’4” 26650 completed 2005, available in store
Knabe 6’4” completed 2003, new bridge caps, Stanwood PTD action
1878 Steinway Style 2 7’2” new soundboard and bridge caps, and a new mortised-type pinblock. Completed 2003
Chickering 141 Concert Grand, completed 1996
Mason and Hamlin A, rebuilt 1993
Julius Bauer Grand, rebuilt 1991
Steinway B rebuilt in 1991, basic touchweight work 2002.
Baldwin “E” 5’8”’ 1919, completed 1989
Starr 6’3”, new pinblock, completed 1989