
Shull Piano Inc

610 Amigos Dr., Redlands, CA  92373

909 796-4226




Bill Shull, RPT     Catherine Lee, Manager

Serving the greater Inland Empire, Redlands, Loma Linda, Highland, San Bernardino, Riverside, Corona,  Norco, Eastvale, Ontario, Rancho Cucamonga, Temecula,others

Staying at home?  No better time to buy a piano from Shull Piano and create beautiful music!

STEINWAY Verticals

Steinway 47263 Chaussee Hollywood5 compr

Vertical #47263

Several Steinway Vertical Pianos are available for immediate purchase or for restoration in our shop.

These are all from Steinway’s highest quality period for the vertical piano, and if new today would be priced retail at $80k to $100k.   These high-end pianos were discontinued in 1900 due to cost of manufacture, and Steinway developed the vertical piano line we know today as the K-52  and the V series, which list today for $51,600 (2023)    Cf. the simple ebony cabinets of the Grotrian G-132 for $76,005 or the Bosendorfer 130 for $88,999, with prices quickly exceeding $100k for their wood finishes;  non are taller than 54” and most are 52”.  The tallest Steinways are almost 59” tall!   These are the finest vertical pianos built.


Steinway Vertical 42685 G

Our large selection of Steinway verticals include (listed last built first, by serial number):

84547  Model R  4’ 5 1’2”  Ebony Built 1896  Engraved panels.

67818  Model M  4’ 8 3/4” Ebony  Built 1890  Engraved  Panels 

61354  Model M  4’ 8 3/4”  Ebony Built 1888  Engraved panels

59540  Model L  4’ 5 1/2” tall  Ebony Built 1886 Engraved panels

47263  Model F  4’ 5 3/4” tall  Ebony Built 1882 Open scroll panels

42229 Model G  4’8”  Rosewood Built 1880  3/4 plate scroll panels

40883  Model “G” 4’ 8” tall Rosewood Built 1879  3/4 plate Scroll panels


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