Shull Piano Inc


Bill Shull, M.Mus., Registered Piano Technician

Piano Technicians Guild

Chickering Vertical Model 79B, $14,999

This is the finest vertical built by the Chickering company, at the peak of their technological progress.  Complete with a return (third tenor) bridge, an auxiliary repetition spring, and a canted plate, this instrument is waiting to be remanufactured.  Price includes rebuilding, reworked original action parts, including annealed brass rails. 

1906 Chickering 67BB vertical, $11,995

Rubbed lacquer finish, mahogany.  New strings and pins, hammers/butts, keybushings, beautiful soundboard and plate.  Perfect ivory keys!  Chickering was one of the finest manufacturers in the history of piano building, and this is an excellent example, able to compare favorably with vertical pianos from manufacturers such as Steinway, Mason and Hamlin, and Bechstein.


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