Period Piano Center presents “The Early Steinway Piano” with Bill Shull, RPT, M.Mus.
On April 18, 2015 attend the All-day Seminar on the
Early Steinway Piano from 1853-1892
Seattle Chapter, Piano Techncians Guild
Contact Joe Goheen, Chapter President, for more information.
Registrant First Name: ________________________Last Name:________________________________Phone_________________
Street Address:__________________________________________City_____________________________State_____Zip_______
Method of Payment: Check (enclosed) Visa MC card number__________________________________exp. date:____________
sec code:______Name on card: _________________________________Zip Code on card:__________ Amount paid:___________
PAYPAL (right-click for new window or double-click on button above); please send this form also Vegetarian meal? Y N
$45 registration ($20 for Students of North Bennett Street School) $55 if received after May 5 10, 2012
Please print, complete and fax to 909 796-1300 or email information in email body to ejbuck.sons@verizon.net